Top 10 computer security tips
1.Use "anti-virus software" and keep it up to date.
2.Don't open e-mails or attachments from unknown sources. Be suspicious of any unexpected e-mail attachments even if it appears to be from someone you know.
3.Protect your computer from Internet intruders - use "firewalls."
4.Regularly download security updates and "patches" for operating systems and other software.
5.Use hard-to-guess passwords. Mix upper case, lower case, numbers, or other characters not easy to find in a dictionary, and make sure they are at least eight characters long.
6.Back-up your computer data on disks or CDs regularly.
7.Don't share access to your computers with strangers. Learn about file sharing risks.
8.Disconnect from the Internet when not in use.
9.Check your security on a regular basis. When you change your clocks for daylight-savings time, reevaluate your computer security.
10.Make sure your family members and/or your employees know what to do if your computer becomes infected.
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